
R Packages and Web Site

Using R
R packages

Pedro J. Aphalo





Support for the R Packages

The best place to ask general questions about R and packages is StackOverflow, the questions and answers site. When asking questions or searching for existing questions and answers about packages ‘ggpp’, ‘ggpmisc’ and ‘gginnards’ please use the tag ggpmisc in addition to the tag ggplot. When asking questions about the packages in the R for Photobiology suite, please, use the tag r4photobiology plus any other relevant ones. I check questions with these tags almost daily, and other R users may be able to answer even sooner. In this paragraph, the linked tags open existing questions and answers in StackOverflow marked with each of them.

Bug reports and suggestions for future enhancements, should be reported by raising issues at GitHub. I keep the source code of all packages at GitHub where all changes are tracked. This is the best place to report bugs, suggest improvements, contribute to the development, but also for asking questions that require familiarity with how the packages are implemented. In such cases, please raise an issue in the repository of the respective package at the repository given in the DESCRIPTION and README files of each package. Pull requests are also welcome.

The R for Photobiology Web Site

Tables of Contents: Blog, Pages and Galleries

The site has three tables of contents for Blog, Pages and Galleries. These tables give the dates when first Published and for Last edited and Title of all posts and pages in the corresponing sections.

The Default sort order is by Last editied date with most recently modified contents at the top of the tables. A drop down menu allows sorting by Published date or Title. A Filter text box provides a simple search of the titles. To the right there is a list of subjects giving access to especialised tables of contents.

Problems and Suggestions about this Website

The source code for this site is kept at a git repository at GitHub. To report errors and make suggestions for improvements please raise an issue.